BOSSorganix® is a powerful, yet gentle, HOCl disinfectant
and sanitizer that is 100% safe for hands, home, work and
food. Spray and go. No rinsing required.

BOSSorganix® is
organic, all-natural
and 100% kid safe.

BOSSorganix® can be used in the
kitchen as a safe and effective
sanitizer directly on food and
food contact surfaces.

New Health Standards
Require Adaptations With Tech Focus
The raging global pandemic has sent individuals, school districts. landlords and businesses racing to adapt their spaces to meet new health requirements and respond with a heightened concern for safety, health and wellness.
COVID-19 is fundamentally changing how individuals and business owners operate. Despite costs involved, Our very well-being is driving the modifications.
B.O.S.S. is pleased to offer the precise combination of training and support to enable industries to create and maintain safe environments through cutting-edge instruction, complex program management, logistics support and state-of-the-art technologies.